Thoughts on death.
I never thought that I would live past the age of 16. For some reason as a child, I just had this feeling that I would die young. On the morning of my 16th birthday, I remember feeling like “Okay, this is it, your final year.” I vividly remember not feeling scared or anxious but rather I had just accepted that I was not meant to live a long life.
Spoiler alert, I didn’t die that year, or the year after, or the year after that. I can’t even remember the morning of my 17th birthday so I have no idea if I thought about death or dying young. I think at some point during my 365 days of being 16 the feeling that I would die young just left me.
About two months ago I was in the kitchen washing dishes and I had a thought “If I died right now, I would be fine.” I was three weeks into having daily anxiety and extreme feelings of dread. I’m less than 10 months postpartum so I’ve been keeping an eye out for postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety since having my son and when I had that thought I knew I needed to talk to someone. It wasn’t suicidal ideation but rather just this feeling that life felt so unbelievably heavy and that I would be okay with that heaviness being taken away from me in death.
I had a session with my therapist last week and we talked through the feeling what it could mean and how to approach it with curiosity and also truth. She said “Sometimes we have thoughts that mean nothing, it’s just a thought, and other times it’s a reflection of something that we’re feeling or dealing with that we haven’t confronted. which one is it for you?”
After a lot of reflection, curiosity, and grace, I can confidently say that it was just a thought. I think that a lot of it stems from postpartum hormones. At the time B wasn’t sleeping hardly at all (thankfully he’s sleeping again! BLESS!), I wasn’t eating well, I was adjusting to having my period again, I wasn’t prioritizing movement or getting out in the sun, wasn’t journaling or sharing my emotions openly. I was having all these feelings that I didn’t understand while trying to freaking survive in this world and keep a person alive as well. It was a lot, I felt so overwhelmed. So I think it makes sense for a person to think, the thoughts that I did and have the moment that I had.
I’m sharing all of this to say, that sometimes I think we approach our thoughts and feelings with a lot of judgment and fear instead of with curiosity. Where did this thought come from? What does it mean? How do I feel about that? Does it make me feel nervous or scared? Is there someone that I can invite into thought partnership with me around this? Do I need to seek help immediately or do I feel confident that this is not a thought that will lead to an action? Do I need to make a lifestyle change to make space for more moments of mental wellness?
I’m in a much better place now. I just finished the show One Day so of course I’m thinking about death and dying but not in the same way and form that I was a few weeks ago. I feel such gratitude for myself and for the practices in my life that ground me and allow me to not panic when something unfamiliar surfaces in my mind but rather to take a step back and lean into my curiosity.
I assure you that I am safe and I am well. I don’t need advice, I have an active and engaged care team. I am just sharing in case there’s another mom or anyone who has these feelings or thoughts. You’re not alone, nothing is wrong with you and there’s support for you if you need it. I wish you curiosity and wellness.
Until next time.
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