A little Tuesday morning update.
Hi friend! I hope you’re doing well. I’ve been taking a break from posting on social media. A necessary break, for a few reasons:
1. The Derek Chauvin case started this week and I just can’t deal with that BS right now. Posting about books and my relationships and everyday life, just feels so insignificant in the light of what’s going on.
2. I’ve been dealing with some feelings of jealousy and comparison lately. I’ve always been a mildly jealous person. Jealous of other people calling my parents “mom” and “dad,” mostly but lately it’s evolved to a jealously that makes me uncomfortable. It makes me uncomfortable because I know that it’s rooted in me feeling like because of COVID, my life has paused in some ways and it feels like life for other people has not paused. It feels like others are traveling and just living their lives as normal but I’m not. That makes me both upset and jealous. I’ve also been comparing myself to others a lot. Comparing the number of followers that I have, comparing how they look to how I look…etc. I don’t like that. So I’ve been stepping away and spending time processing that so that I can reengage with social media soon but in a healthy way.
3. I’ve been reading a lot lately. I’ve read 21 books so far and I’ve been posting about them and giving a little review on what I liked about the book and if I recommend it to others. The response from followers has been really interesting. A lot of the responses have been super positive and people thanking me for the review and telling me that they plan to check out the book and other responses have made me feel weird. People asking questions like “how is it possible that you read so much?” or “Do you have any hobbies or friends? Or do you just read?” I feel like those responses are so unkind and unnecessary. I think they’re rooted in some weird jealousy but also this bias and shock that a Black woman is reading so much. It bothers me and I had to step back from posting to just process it.
So yes, I stepped back from posting on social media and in connection to that I stopped blogging. I haven’t missed posting but I have missed blogging. Blogging has always been such a large part of my life. It’s something that helps me to feel grounded and have clarity in my life. It helps me to process my feelings and to communicate big ideas and thoughts in a really focused way. Blogging is a part of me and it doesn’t have to stop because I’m not posting on social media.
So here I am, blogging again and not posting about it. It feels like I’m returning to days of old where I had a blog for 4 years that I didn’t tell anyone (except for a very small group of people) about. I wrote almost daily and I think that it helped me more than I’ll ever truly know. It helped me so much.
I’m excited for what’s in store for this space and I’m excited to share with you in a way that feels more spontaneous and free. I hope that you are taking the space that you need, to breathe freely and to live authentically.
With love,