How much Black death is too much?
How much Black death is too much?
How much does it take?
To change a policy?
To change a law?
To change the police?
How much Black death is too much?
How much does it take?
Before Black people are seen as human?
As deserving of happiness?
As equals in society?
How much Black death is too much?
In a country where a boy killed at 12 in a park isn’t enough.
In a country where a man killed on the street with a knee isn’t enough.
In a country where a man killed in the back of a police van isn’t enough.
In a country where a woman killed in bed while she slept isn’t enough.
In a country where a woman hung in a prison cell isn’t enough.
In a country where a man killed while grabbing his license isn’t enough.
In a country where a boy killed by a neighbor isn’t enough.
In a country where a man killed while he runs isn’t enough.
In a country where a man killed while eating ice cream on his own couch isn’t enough.
How much Black death is too much?
In a country that feeds off of Black death, how much is too much?