If you spent half as much time talking about racism...
If you spent half as much time talking about racism as you did the dangers of critical race theory…
If you spent half as much time talking about racism as you did the difference between Black Lives Matter the movement, and Black Lives Matter the phrase…
If you spent half as much time talking about racism as you did the video that Lil Nas X made…
If you spent half as much time talking about racism as you did the so-called “stolen” election…
If you spent half as much time talking about racism as you did a person’s right to choose…
If you spent half as much time talking about racism as you did prophesying that someone would win the election…
If you spent half as much time talking about racism as you did Black on Black crime
If you spent half as much time talking about racism as you did defending the domestic terrorists that stormed the Capitol…
If you spent half as much time talking about racism as you did trying to disenfranchise voters...
If you spent half as much time talking about racism as you did villainizing Colin Kaepernick…
If you spent half as much time talking about racism as you did saying, “well if only they would have complied…”
If you spent half as much time talking about racism as you did pretending that it didn’t exist, I wonder where we would be.