The eve of 28.
In just a few short hours I will be entering a new stage of my life. I'll be 28 and officially, I've denied it until now, in my late twenties. It's so interesting to look at how different ones life can be in just 12 short months.
This time last year I was on my way to Portland, Oregon for my first ever solo vacation. A good friend of mine (Hi Olivia!) had gone on a solo camping trip for her birthday and her bravery inspired me. So before I could talk myself out of it I picked a city, bought a ticket and booked an Airbnb.
It was the first time in a long time that I felt like a 'Great perhaps' was waiting for me. It wasn't the destination that was great but rather the courage that was leading me there and the fruits that it would ideally bear that felt massive.
Portland was everything I needed it to be last year. I needed to spend time alone, seeping in my own personality and energy to be reminded of how beautiful it is to be alive and to be uniquely made. Portland set me up for a lot of the successes and the milestones that I was about to reach this year.
Having the courage to leave a job I loved in hopes that I'd find something that I not only loved but that challenged me and brought me closer to my goals. The determination to work hard and to fight to reach all of my fitness goals and to enter in to a new year in the best shape of my life. The confidence to walk away from relationships and interactions that didn't build me up in order to make room in my life for a man that truly values me and sets my heart ablaze.
Spending those days with God and with myself, led me to exactly where I am today. I'm a few hours away from hoping on a flight, with Patrick, to spend my birthday in Nashville. I feel excited, refreshed, centered and whole. I'm going in to this new year knowing so much more about myself than I did last year and eager to learn and discover more.
27 was the best age of my life so far and I'm confident and secure in the fact that it will be heavily trumped by the joy and richness that 28 will bring. So with my last post as a 27 year old I'll end it with this; I hope that in your lifetime you take time to truly get to know yourself.
Get on a plane, go to a new city, sit in a coffee shop with a journal...figure out who you are and the root of your beauty and joy. It's from that well of discovery that your perspective on life will be forever impacted and more importantly the way that you view yourself will change. Take a day, a week, a month...and spend it in solitude examining your heart. It will change your life. It changed mine.
Until next time friends!
Xoxo - N.