A Thought on Organizing.
I want to be radical. I mean it. I want to be radical in the best ways. I want to love radically. I want to commit myself to radically hopeful ideals. I want to be radically dedicated to the things that I believe in. I want to be like Martin Luther King Jr. Reading Why We Can’t Wait has changed me. I feel different on the inside.
The other day I felt overwhelmed with excitement and I looked at Patrick and said “I feel like how I felt in 2016, at the start of my great awakening. I feel like I’ve been learning for the last 4 years and now it’s time to start activating that learning. It’s time to put it to work.”
I feel like the foundation has been laid and now it’s time to build the walls and make something. Something that is real and substantive. Something that adds value. Something that is beautiful but also powerful. Something that changes the atmosphere and makes things better.
I think that the world needs to be better. That the world can be better, should be better, would be better off if it was better… but what does better look like? I feel like we need to fight the system and demand change and tear down, so that we can rebuild but what exactly are we tearing down? What exactly would we like to erect in its place?
Reading Why We Can’t Wait has shown me that besides the heavy weight of oppression that so persistently hampers us, we’re also impacted by a lack of vision. A lack of clear and discernible thoughts that have filtered through the noise and helped us all to stay unified and on track. A voice that has helped us to stay on mission. When I say “a voice” I don’t mean one person but rather one idea that we’re all devoted to.
Amongst the system fighters, we seem to all agree that Black Lives Matter and that there are systems of oppression that exist that are impacting Black and brown people in this country and our way of life. With that being said, we are not all on the same page with what it means to say Black Lives Matter. We can’t all name the systems of oppression that exist. We don’t agree on what needs to happen first, or second or third. We don’t have a person, that we all respect, in a position of authority that we’re all willing to put our energy and influence behind.
So how do we organize and lead a mission when we’re so darn unorganized? Well...I’m not sure. I know that there are people in this country, a lot of people doing really amazing work but I can’t tell you most of their names and I can’t tell you what they’re all doing. I can’t tell you if they’re working together or not. I can’t tell you if they’re aligned in regards to their mission and their vision, or not.
There’s a lot that I can’t tell you right now but I’m going to find out. I know a lot about what’s going on in my city but I don’t know the people doing it. I will. I know a lot about things that are going on in my state but I don’t know all of the people doing it. I will. I know a lot about things that need to change but right now I can’t clearly verbalize how we as a society can realistically make all of those things better. I’m working and learning so that I can be able to do that soon.
This is not from a lack of engagement, research or knowledge. Rather, I think that after reading MLK’s words I am realizing that something is missing. The message is disjointed, it isn’t clear. What we’re trying to achieve isn’t being clearly communicated and if it is, it’s not being disseminated to all of us.
So I say we get more organized. I say we step it up a lot of notches. I say that we follow Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s footsteps and we become deeply committed to each other. Committed to fighting together for a world that we can envision, a world that we can articulate, a world that is actually within our reach.
I am committed to getting involved on a deeper level and verbalizing to you the things that we can do, on a practical level to affect real change. Instead of just saying “vote,” which I did just last week. ( I apologize, I am continuously learning) I will provide you with resources where you can understand what’s going on not just federally but more importantly in your local elections and how to be an informed voter.
Instead of saying “we have to fight!” I’m going to detail things that are going on and tangible action steps that we can do to combat those things. I’m going to follow the lead of Brittany Packnett Cunningham, an inspiration of mine and be more clear and give more next steps.
I talk a lot. We talk a lot. There is a lot of talk in society but there’s a lot less action steps. A lot less strategy. A lot less people, telling us HOW to do something compared to just telling us TO do something. So, I am stepping up.
I have no intention of leading any movements or starting anything new. Rather, I am going to identify key players in the movement for Black Liberation and social justice. I am going to do my part in helping to clearly communicate not only what we’re fighting against but the world that we’re fighting for.
I am going to support the disseminating of lists of what is wanted and how we intend to get there. I am going to engage in training and the work of planning protests and preparing protesters to know what they’re fighting for and their role in achieving it. I am going to use my platform as a tool for social justice and Black Liberation in my city and in our country as a whole. I am going to act more than I speak and then share those action steps with you, so that if you choose to engage in the fight, you can act too.
So there you have it, I am committed to doing more for our world and that starts today. Below you’ll find resources related to voting. I hope that they’re useful and helpful to you as you navigate the upcoming election season.
With radical love and a curious heart,
Registering to vote/ voter registration status/ Poll worker information..etc.
Helping to understand which candidate (federally and locally) aligns with your beliefs
General Election info
Organization supporting efforts to increase voting in the Black community and increase power and a sense of ownership in marginalized communities (an organization that I personally donate to)